Interesting Facts About Tamanu Oil – might be new for you.

Tamanu Oil offers wonderful properties. It is extracted from dried stones of an Asian ever-green tree which bears the same name. It has numerous properties but most important ones are: antimycotic , anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and moisturizing. However, today we’re going to focus on the interesting facts about this exotic oil.


… smells like stock cube.

For many women, who value unbelievable properties and effectiveness of tamanu oil, the scent is its largest drawback. Tamanu oil’s aroma resembles stock cube, it’s strongly herbal; you can smell cereal, celery and lovage.

… you can use it within two years from the date of pressing.

If we consider expiry date of other plant cold pressed and unrefined oils, two-year period is quite good. Tamanu oil is one of the most durable oils – on condition that we store it in a cool place.

… coagulates at temperature a few degrees above 0°C.

At room temperature tamanu oil is a liquid but its formula changes even at a slightly lower temperature. Below 10°C tamanu oil starts to coagulate and turns into buttery plant oil.

… it belongs to the group of bio-oils.

Bio-oils are plant oils which contain a very high amount of Essential Fatty Acids (EFA) which are necessary to maintain proper level of skin hydration. Tamanu oil contains a few unsaturated acids thus it’s a bio-oil.

… it is extracted from the twentyfold amount of fruits.

It is believed that tamanu oil is a luxury plant extract which has a quite high price. It’s due to the production – to extract 2 pounds of oil we need 40 pounds of Tamanu tree fruits.

… it is the only plant oil which heals stretch marks and scars.

More than ten years ago, laboratory research showed that tamanu oil has very good anti-inflammatory, healing and softening properties. Regular use of the oil makes scars less visible and smaller whereas stretch marks are eliminated.

… it can’t be heated.

It’s worth to know that Tamanu tree oil is resistant to heat which means that heating it to high temperatures (e.g. in order to do hot oil hair treatment or melt it down when it gets coagulated) deprives the oil of its properties.